

    Yinzhou District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau responded to the "Implementation Opinions on Vigorously Promoting "Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation"" put forward...

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       On the morning of May 30th, four leaders from the Yinzhou District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau visited Fangli Science and Technology Park and discussed the "About Vigorously Promoting" "Entrepreneurship and innovation" (hereinafter referred to as "implementation opinions") responded.

        As a member of the Yinzhou District Political Consultative Conference, President Fang proposed in the "Implementation Opinions" that: 1. Use excess real estate to create a space for crowd-creation; 2. Provide interest-free loans to college graduates for entrepreneurship; 3. Encourage large and medium-sized enterprise outsourcing projects and the government Purchasing considers entrepreneurial enterprises; fourth, pay attention to the cultivation of entrepreneurial quality of higher vocational students. In response to the above four points raised by President Fang, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau gave the following answers.

        1. Yinzhou District issued the "Notice on Printing and Distributing (Administrative Measures for the Use of Special Funds for Science and Technology Incubation in Yinzhou District)" (Yinke [2015] No. 47), granting a maximum of 500,000 yuan to the recognized maker spaces and maker service centers Financial support will promote the participation of all sectors of society in the construction of "crowd-creation space".

        2. The No. 112 document stipulates: "If an entrepreneur establishes an entity for the first time, with a loan of less than 100,000 yuan (inclusive), and the guarantee is provided by the entrepreneurial guarantee fund, the personal guarantee shall be exempted according to the regulations.

        3. As of May, 42 companies have been organized to become "entrepreneurship training bases", and 55 entrepreneurs have become "entrepreneurial mentors" to help college student entrepreneurs and start-ups. Implement taxation policy guidance. In order to encourage financial institutions to assist small and medium-sized enterprises in financing, according to regulations, the district exempts stamp tax on loan contracts signed by financial institutions and small and micro enterprises; and exempts stamp tax on interest-free and discount loan contracts of financial institutions.

        4. Regarding the cultivation of entrepreneurship quality of higher vocational students, our district has adopted a number of measures to promote training. One is to enrich the types of training. In order to meet the needs of entrepreneurial college students, our district has extensively expanded IYB (improve your business), e-commerce entrepreneurship, Rural e-commerce entrepreneurship and other types of training. Last year, a total of 431 college graduates were trained, exceeding 200% of the target; the second is to carry out precise training, and successively launched ten school trips of "Youth Helping Dreams and Entrepreneurship" and "Young Buffett Lunch "And other activities to improve the pertinence of training in a variety of ways. The third is to promote the incubation of the whole city, strengthen cooperation with universities and leading companies in Yin, and finally form a "full-name incubation" system with college students (youth) entrepreneurship parks as the core and entrepreneurial sites all over township streets and college enterprises.